This is a four part history of modern China, written for Socialist Party branch meetings in the South East. As well as reading the following, please watch this video which contains many interviews with participants and lots of historical footage of the events described below (click image to go to video).
Part Two: The Chinese Communist Party in Power 1949 - 1969
Expropriation of private property to be run according to a national plan was not on the agenda, and Mao, consistent with his Stalinist roots, called for another 100 years of capitalism. For instance in 1950, 75% of Shanghai industrial workers were still in private enterprises. These were the policies used to strangle revolutions in the inter and post-war periods by the Stalinist Comintern, because it denied the workers and peasants the potential to realise their power through seizing the property of the possessing classes and putting that property to productive use in bolstering their rule. It wasn't that Mao was unwilling to expropriate, but instead his was a top-down dictatorship, which did not rely on the self-organisation of the working-class, democratically constructed through the organisations of ordinary people themselves, as later Chinese history will show, the fear of this so-called “anarchy” hung heavy on the minds of Mao and the CCP.
to the communist victory China was unable to embark on an independent
economic development. The bourgeoisie as a social force couldn't be
relied upon to conduct economic develiopment, but if the CCP did not
remove their control over the economy by taking hold of the means of
production and massively expanding them, how could economic
development led by the communists be anything more spectacular than
under the KMT? It was the lack of a progressive social base besides
the working-class which the CCP feared losing power to which explains
the twists and turns of the government after 1949.
first period of government aimed at cleansing the army and state of
the old government and to impose high taxation and low wages to clear
the deficit while land reform was initially suspended. Overtures were
made to the bourgeoisie in an effort to attract leading figures,
while workers and peasants struggles were suppressed. This led to
inflation and anger from the workers and peasants. Workers had no way
to express themselves, with only the legal right to raise objections,
but not to strike or organise independently. Low interest loans were
provided to the bourgeoisie who were suffering the affects of
inflation, and private property was protected while land reform was
started in a very limited way from 1950.
balancing act after 1949 were revealed as insufficient and they
succumbed to the pressures of the period. The new Chinese regime was
militarily insecure and faced a hostile power in the form of the US
as British, Japanese and later French imperialism had retreated from
the Asia-Pacific area. Japan withdrew from Korea in 1945, leaving the
North held by the Communist Kim il Sung, and the South by the Right
wing Syngman Rhee. The communists had military supremacy and wanted
to consolidate the entire peninsula. America sent aid and Mao was
confronted with the prospect of losing the Korean buffer while Taiwan
remained hostile conducting air assaults in the South. The People's Liberation Army (PLA) joined
the attack (despite fears of the exhaustion of the army) and retook
Seoul but supply lines were overstretched and the Americans hit back.
A stalemate formed at the 38th parallel, china sent 3m
men, 400k died, and china received soviet military assistance,
weapons, aircraft and aircraft factories. The war in Korea, which
under the UN flag was an anti-communist crusade led by the US,
pressured Mao to expropriate US and other foreign owned enterprises,
and to initiate and then accelerate the land reform programme in the
countryside to bolster national support.
world had divided into two camps after WWII, the US defended
capitalism and Russia under a strengthened Stalinist system which
held out a model for development to the rest of the world on the
basis of a planned economy. However that planned economy was
anti-democratic and relied on fear and repression to maintain its
power. The Korean war was a real dividing line for the CCP.
under pressure of the mass mobilisation of the Korean war there was a
shift towards developing heavy industry while the private sector
stagnated. The influence of Russia was key in shifting the PRC
towards a bureaucratically planned economy emphasising heavy
industry. A new treaty was signed, where Moscow would come to China's
aid in the event of war, and extending a $300m loan over 5 years.
Industrial aid amounted to 50 large-scale projects (less than
expected) and the Soviet Union would receive surplus stocks of tin,
tungsten and antimony for 14 years, preventing their sale elsewhere,
while Russian advisers were not subject to Chinese law. While of
benefit these unequal terms caused anger which would explode in the
split between Russia and China in the early 1960's. Concessions were
granted to the workers and a privileged elite was encouraged amongst
the working-class, dividing their interests. Trade unions were
permitted in private enterprises so long as they didn't harm overall
production. Repressive campaigns against reactionary elements were
directed as much at Trotskyists and other worker-militants.
this was a Chinese version of Stalinism, Mao was not a carbon copy of
Stalin. He had waged his own struggle to seize power and remain in
the leadership of the CCP against the interests of the leadership of
the soviet union. Mao was nervous about the development of the
bureaucracy in the CCP. While Stalin played different elements of the
state against each other, Mao attempted to rely on mass forces to
challenge the bureaucracy, however he would not permit the democratic
control of society by those mass forces, he would merely invoke them
to encourage his ends. While Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and those acting in
the Marxist tradition relied on the force of the working-class and
emphasised how socialism would be a development from that conducted
by capitalism, Mao regarded backwardness as a virtue. He viewed the
Chinese as 'poor and blank' in the sense that their subjective
attitudes could be shaped for socialist purposes.
Burning official documents during land reform
reform was a task that should have been completed by the bourgeoisie,
but the bourgeoisie was too meek and tied up with the landlord system
to do it. Agriculture would be the main source of wealth used to
develop the nation, but agriculture was condemned to a very low
economic level. In deciding whether to apply their profits to the
massive task of the industrial development of the countryside the
landlords/bourgeoisie were put off by the scale of the task. It made
more sense to exploit the mass of the population at a very low
economic level than to take on the huge tasks of national
development. Once land reform had been completed it spread land
ownership far more widely, but inequalities of wealth and inequality
of access to technology remained, especially while the property of
the industrial and commercial bourgeoisie was protected by the CCP
small scale of owner-cultivator agriculture limited the scale of
agricultural development. In an effort to overcome this mutual aid
societies were developed in the countryside, with technology pooled
together and a share withdrawn on the basis of the technology put in.
This evolved into co-operatives with greater sharing of technology
and capital, but agriculture remained unable to support the kind of
mass industrial drive required. The logical end-point would be the
nationalisation of the land. Ownership in the hands of
landlord/capitalists would not result in industrial development, but
state ownership of the land held out the prospect of capital being
directed towards agricultural industrialisation, utilising economies
of scale and so on. Similar issues existed with he land in the hands
of smallholders, and it threatened the emergence of class relations.
Expanding agriculture however required heavy industry to develop
agricultural infrastructure and equipment, which could not be
developed without an expansion of wealth which relied on agriculture!
Collective farming of the land would also meet with the resistance of
peasants who had only just had their age-old desire for land
satisfied in the land reform.
the landlord class was a significant achievement in China and was one
of the main steps which laid the foundation for future economic
development. However it was still a capitalist system, the poor and
the rich would re-emerge if the rural economy was left to its own
devices. There was an inequality of agricultural technology which
particularly encouraged this differentiation. The government feared
the richer peasants forming a base of power against the regime. In
addition, because there was no wealth to rely upon other than that of
the countryside and the exploitation of the peasantry so a stagnant
rural economy threatened to hold back the prospects of
the three problems standing in the way of raising agricultural
production was the state's unwillingness to touch industrial and
commercial wealth leaving the wealth of the rich intact in the
countryside and giving them power within the villages. The second
problem was the low level of industry in the urban areas and its
inability to provide the necessary infrastructure for developing the
countryside. The third problem was convincing the peasants that
sharing the land through nationalisation would be better than working
it individually. The first period of the rule of the CCP in the
1950's is marked by these problems and the efforts to overcome them.
These then morphed into the power struggles of the 1960's which
rocked Chinese society and threatened the continued rule of the CCP
Famine in Russia
impulse towards industrial development was assisted by the soviet
union, with the first 5 year plan taking place after the Korean war
ended in the North/South Korean stalemate. The plan developed
industrial production, but accompanying it was a bureaucratised and
politically conservative layer which made Mao in particular nervous.
In the countryside peasants were encouraged into the co-operatives
and into agricultural collectives. It was at this stage of
development that advances in agriculture took place, with important
irrigation projects being conducted. But the next large step in
agricultural development was yet to occur. This was to take place in
the next 5 year plan. Up to this point some of the basic tasks of
national development have been performed but at the cost of a
developing soviet-style bureaucracy on the one hand and growing
polarisation of wealth in the countryside. Significant industrial
development was necessary to advance China beyond its low economic
Hungary 1956
second five year plan was being prepared when Mao intervened calling
for higher targets in heavy industrial development, as well as the
industrial development of the countryside alongside collectivisation
of agriculture. This would be known as the Great Leap Forward (GLF). In his
view the construction of socialism could proceed by first seizing
state power, transforming social consciousness and then proceeding
rapidly through the stages of socialist development towards
communism. This meant a speedy transition through stages starting
from an extremely low level without much regard for the material
obstacles. The Great Leap would aim to address the balance between
town and countryside. The aim was to develop industry in the rural
areas to alleviate urban unemployment, and collectivise agriculture
to raise the productive level and encourage a greater accumulation of
capital from the agricultural sector. The result would be a more
balanced and consistently industrialised China, breaking its reliance
on Russia.
part of the nationalisation drive rural people's communes were
established involving at least 3,000 households or 30-100,000 people.
These were intended as embryos of communism, with power decentralised
to the communes and away from the central state apparatus, aiming
toward the withering away of the state. Once again these were not
based on the working-class but Mao's faith lay in the less organised,
less united and less politically engaged peasantry whose main aim in
following the CCP revolution was to achieve land reform, which had
already been completed. In reality the purpose of the communes was to
mobilise peasants for massive labour duties, with militarised work
units and very long work days. Women were drawn into the labour force
in order to meet the ridiculously high targets of the GLF. Social
provision like childcare and communal kitchens were provided to
encourage women to enter the workplace, but they would then become
exploited in the same way as the men. These social resources were
very poorly equipped and were enforced on peasants by removing
individual cookers obliging them to take part in communal meals.
Backyard furnaces
Liu Shaoqi
Deng Xiaoping
is worth pausing before we look at the cultural revolution to look at
the processes that were taking place. China required industrial
development, something which was largely prevented under the
KMT-bourgeois regime. The revolution brought the CCP to power which
prevents the mass democratic participation of the working-class in
the running of society. Under pressure they move towards a planned
economy but they do so following a Soviet model. The CCP have cleared
the path to economic development in the countryside but have only set
the scene. Their attempt in the GLF to proceed towards industrial
development was on the basis of super-exploitation of the peasantry
who react. A lid has been kept on the working-class who have been
prevented from organising and are now subject to rising unemployment
and falling wages. The youth are full of expectations but too often
find themselves stuck in the countryside or prevented from accessing
professional employment. If their background was from the old
privileged classes they were prevented from rising due to political
reasons. Mao retains significant moral prestige and is pointed to as
a national figurehead despite being sidelined after the failures of
the GLF. He has developed a base in the army and aims to attack the
bureaucracy that has formed and is ossifying into a Soviet-type
Cultural Revolution (CR) perhaps more than many other events, is popularly
seen as a collective madness and an example of the power of
manipulation by mass political mobilisation. Hopefully this talk will
show how the events known as the CR were rooted in the different
elements listed above playing their way into the open. Trotsky
characterised the Soviet union as run by an anti-revolutionary
bureaucracy which nevertheless rested on a planned economy, not
capitalist private ownership of the means of production. The
working-class was prevented from any kind of participation in the
running of society and a further political revolution was necessary
in Russia to re-assert the rule of the working-class. The same can be
said of China at this point in time, and the mistakes and bottlenecks
inherent in this model of society are revealed more and more starkly,
especially as the country industrialises and the economy becomes more
sophisticated. In the CR aspects of a political revolution can be
seen, and it was the fear of this that marked its endpoint. After
this event part three of these lead-offs will show how China moved
towards the market and capitalism, having exhausted the opportunities
provided by a bureaucratically planned economy.
Lin Biao
Struggle session
Burning Buddha statues
Red Guards reading from Mao's Red Book
Mao cult
Mao's support the movement spirals into a massive force by July 1966
when Mao dubs the students 'red guards' and calls for a national
mobilisation. The Red Guards attack cultural and foreign targets as
well as examples of corruption. 16 articles were adopted by the
'Cultural Revolution Group' which replaced the leadership of the
party based on Mao's prestige and the PLA. These 16 articles call to
replace all old ideas with Mao Zedong Thought, and in a vague way
they call for the party to be replaced by a government like the Paris
commune. The Paris Commune in 1871 was seen by Marx as an example of
the working-class taking power. In it he saw a model of a workers
government based on widespread election to committees of
representatives taking the average wage and being subject to recall
at any time. This model was proposed by Lenin as the way a socialist
society could be run to avoid a bureaucracy forming. But Mao wouldn't
follow this model and encourage power to be taken by the mass of the

call also contained a caution to the red guards not to disrupt
production or produce divisions within the 'people'. His call for
rebellion was made through the army to youthful layers recognising it
would not be taken up in the exhausted and disillusioned rural areas
Mao would not address his appeal to the working-class. Debates raged
at this time over the character of Chinese society and whether class
divisions continued to exist and therefore the need for class
struggle and towards what end? While Mao wanted to emphasise the
conflict that remained he did not want to reject the communist system
itself so he argued that individual attitudes still contained
bourgeois elements and class struggle was necessary to change those
attitudes mainly of the party leadership. The leadership of the CCP
argued instead that class heritage from the old society only
lingered, so attacks on everything 'old' was fine but class struggle
within the party was not necessary. The more radical interpretation
which the entire leadership and Mao wanted to avoid, took the view
that class struggle was necessary to be rid of the bureaucracy and
instead put in place genuine democratic socialism. This was not
proposed in such a clear way, and contained many confused variations.
If a force calling for this had existed the battle could have
proceeded even further down the road to political revolution in
China. The working-class had not intervened decisively in Chinese
politics since the defeat in 1927, however that was about to change.
The Cultural Revolution Group
many places the workers and peasants resisted the red guards and
factions form within the red guards themselves reflecting the variety
of interests within the young generation. Many workers and peasants
resist the red guards entering their areas. Nevertheless in some
areas workers form their own red guard groups and in traditionally
radical and industrial Shanghai a movement developed to destroy the
secret files the local party held on the population. Mao supported
this call as the files are seen as inhibiting revolt in Shanghai, but
the local party continued to refuse. Local party leaders frequently
resisted these attacks and broadly two factions developed within the
workers movement; the Workers Headquarters which proposed a transfer
of power from the party to the popular democracy of the working-class
and a conservative faction called the scarlet guards based on the
privileged layers of the workforce which backed up the local
government. Production was disrupted hugely as armed battles took
place across Shanghai, using sticks, spears and knives. On January
5th 1967 a meeting of 1m people eventually toppled the
local government under the threat of insurrection but power went to
Zhang Chungqiao, a member of the leading Cultural Revolution Group in government, who
made a deal with the workers leader. While it was expected that a
leading member of the CRG would support the workers demands Zhang
instead used the PLA and secret police to reject the workers demands
and force them back to work.
Weapons used in fighting
betrayal left many disillusioned and into a new camp calling for a
New commune to be set up. At this point Mao swings away from the
radical calls and recognises the threat that exists. The PLA seizes
power in 4 provinces across China including Shanghai calling
themselves a revolutionary committee. This military control then puts
an end to the radical movements in these areas, with Mao arguing it
was necessary as the commune 'cannot deal effectively with
counter-revolutionaries'. The role and power of the PLA was enhanced
as it was relied on to restore order, but in many areas the stalemate
between the left forces and the party apparatus remained undecided
without a final showdown. The government attempted to narrow the
focus of leftist attacks onto Liu Shaoqi personally, arguing that he
was attempting to restore capitalism in China and attempting to
deflect attention away from the party itself. Liu was arrested and
died in prison in 1969. New offences were introduced against
attacking party offices and the schools were reopened to try and
dampen the red guard spirits.
Establishing 'Revolutionary Committee' government
Wuhan where the stalemate between the left and the local government
had developed into a siege on the city by general Chen Zaidoo
supporting the local government and conservative factions. Chen
ignores orders from the party to end the siege and the party sends
its own troops to Wuhan to disarm Chen's forces. Chen backed down but
the prospect of splits in the PLA, the most stable and final basis of
party support for the CCP, brought China to the brink of civil war.
At this point Mao decided to end the entire movement and parades with
the PLA generals as they were relied on to restore order across
China. A purge and massacres of leftists took place and the CR was
blamed on so-called ultra-leftists who 'took it too far', in
collusion with Liu Shaoqi, with the party arguing that this coalition
was aimed at restoring capitalism to China. Into 1968 the suppression
of leftists carried on with massacres taking place and students sent
to the countryside in huge numbers in a thinly veiled act of
Crackdown on leftists
outcome by the end of this crackdown was a massively strengthened PLA
and Lin Biao was named Mao's successor while the authority and power
of the party rested decidedly on the military. The CR had not failed
to touch the life of a single person and it had barely benefited
anyone, not least the leftists whose destruction was seen as
necessary to restore the authority of the party.
his revolutionary life Mao was willing to use the peasantry, the army
and the youth but never the working-class. His focus on revolutionary
consciousness almost in the abstract instead of looking at the
economic relations which underpin them, and his rejection of the
working-class playing any role besides production epitomised his
Stalinist approach. He and the government he founded straddled the
classes balancing one off against the other but ultimately it was
most fearful of the working-class coming to power, referring to that
prospect as chaos. That united Mao, the government and the army in
fear for the continuation of their regime, but the experience of
Mao's attempts to wriggle out of a straitjacket me made and
ultimately relied upon is a very important example of the failures of
the kind of Communism established in the image of the Soviet Union.
Ultimately, having rejected every other model China turned its face
over the next 40 years towards capitalism.
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